Feel The Fear. Do it Anyway.

A year ago, I packed my car, took my savings, and drove over 1,058.2 miles to a new city for a new beginning. Tampa was great, but I knew If I  wanted to reach my full potential, I  needed a change.

I was so excited to live somewhere new.

Adventure was calling me and I was ready for it.

For most people, change can be pretty scary. I can admit the idea of moving away from everything I know, trust, and love was terrifying, but the idea of settling and becoming stagnant scared me more, and the thrill of the unknown was stronger than the comfort zone.

Living in NYC was a life-long dream and I  still can’t believe this is now my reality. 

I will forever be thankful for the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and stretch myself. So, one year in? I’m feeling more settled, happy, and content with where and who I am.

I am not the same Sam you used to know. I promise in a good way though.

I get this question often “Why the north”? It’s a question that is challenging for me to answer. Cass and I talked a lot about moving to NYC. Matter of fact, we were scheduled to take a trip in December 2018 to welcome the new year, it was on our vision board.

I don’t know. I just sort of followed my gut, making this decision because I knew it was right for me.

This is probably the most courageous thing I’ve ever done in my life, and it was. This was a deeper courage. the courage to take a leap of faith, trusting that life would bring me everything I  needed in the right time. It was a real act of self-love, and self-trust. And it was my most valuable love lesson.

It still makes me tear up when I think about that moment. 

You know you’ve made a good decision for yourself when your life starts to just flow, and that’s exactly what’s been happening from the moment I got here. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. 

So here I am in a big city by myself, tending to that little girl inside of me who finally got her dream of living the city life. 

As always, thank you for reading my words!


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