Through hours of therapy unwiring all beliefs, the girl I’ve always known I could be is taking up more and more space within me. I’m learning to take who I am each day.
Powerful woman, moving with purpose, with a brighter vision like never before.
There’s no better feeling to see your own beauty and coming to your place of self-acceptance. I can only thank the little girl I once for enduring what she endured in order to become the woman I am becoming. I can only help her transmute those painful moments into something far greater and more powerful.
I don’t believe in regrets. All my experiences have left me with greater life lessons. I do believe in forgiveness and forgiving myself has become a daily practice. I’ve discovered it’s the only way to live a happy life.
I’m grateful that I’ve learned how to let go. To forgive myself for not knowing what I didn’t know.
I’m learning my truth, and my story matter. The world needs people who are open enough to let the light in. The journey is an honor, and there’s no one else I’d rather be.