May 9th, 2020, officially marked the end of my graduate school journey; I completed my Master’s degree in International Business/Accounting, I became a Liberty University Alumni.
Although, Covid-19 put a damper on walking across the stage and celebrating with close friends and family. Nonetheless, I’m deeply grateful and proud of myself for accomplishing this goal.
We’re constantly doing so much that it’s easy to finish something and move onto the next without taking the time to stop and appreciate what’s happened. Now that it’s all over, I’ve had time to reflect and take it all in. There were so many times when I didn’t think I’d make it through. I faced many challenges, including the unexpected death of my best friend, undergoing emergency surgery, the loss of our unborn child, parents’ car accident, academic suspension. Still, through it all, God’s mercy and grace kept me.
This degree is very special to me because Cass edited and proofread my graduate statement. We shared an apartment during the year 2016-2017; When I wasn’t sure which program I wanted to pursue, she was there through the whole process listening to me rant about my educational goals. She was the first person I called when I received my acceptance letter.
Cass, we DID it! I can feel you smiling down, and I hope I have made you proud.

What’s next? I am officially hanging up my student hat and putting on my writer and philanthropic hats. I love writing. It serves me, heals me, and satisfies the creative cat constantly clawing from inside of me, trying to get out. Writing helps me make sense of things and holds me accountable to myself. Expressing myself effectively on a blank page brings me great joy. It’s where Cass and I meet. Maybe, I’ll write a book one day.
I am a sensitive woman; I get it from my mother, which means that I love humanity and always looking for ways to help. From a young age, I always understood I was blessed beyond measure, and others elsewhere had even less. When I was seven years old, I found a little girl in the street begging. I took her home and begged my mom for us to take her in. That little girl was a pivoting point for me. I made a personal commitment to myself that “When I get older and have money that I will return back to Haiti to help kids that are victims to child labor.” I kept my promise as I quietly supported kids in Haiti for years, and this commitment has grown into my life work and purpose to educate and empower. That’s how I became what they call a philanthropist.
I’m excited for all that’s to come with this new journey, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
To the ones who let me vent when I was frustrated and on the verge of quitting. Thank you, you don’t know how much that meant to me.
To my amazing and loving man, for helping me with homework, cheering me on, and, more importantly, for always having a shoulder for me to lean and cry on when things got tough. Oh, boy, it got tough.
And to my wonderful parents, Thank you for understanding when I take a leap of faith and supporting me in my journey even if it doesn’t make logical at times. Every decision I have made in my life, I made by trusting the values you have instilled in me. I offer this day to you!

Thank you for your congratulations and support! Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you, it means the world to me.
As always, thank you for reading my words!