Therapy gives me a sense of relief that I’m not alone.
According to research, millions of Americans are affected by mental health conditions every year. Yet nearly two-thirds of people with a known mental illness never seek treatment.
For many years, I suffer quietly from anxiety and depression. And I must say I do a pretty good job at hiding it. Around my friends, I was happy, confident, and carefree. It seemed like I had it all together but on the inside, I was struggling. I try to act constantly happy when sometimes, I just need a good cry. I always feared of seeking help because I was scared people will judge me or tell me just get over it.
Dealing with the stressors of school, work, and life balance. In 2017, I made the decision that I was going to see a therapist because I wanted to focus and take care of my mental health. At first, I was nervous about confiding my feelings and emotions in a stranger but I have to admit, it was the best thing I have ever done. I went into the sessions and began opening up, recognizing the way I think and learning how I could fight back against irrational thoughts and fears, things that could easily suck me up into an anxious spiral and depressive state. it was difficult to confront the things that scared me, but it needed to be done.
Recent trauma has only made my anxiety and depression worse. Last year the panic attacks became more frequent. I started worrying about everything, picking unhealthy habits, feeling out of control, extreme fear of death. it was exhausting, still is exhausting. If it wasn’t for therapy I don’t know where I would be in my life right now. I’m not ashamed to say I go to therapy and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be living the life I am today without getting help, taking care of my mental health.
Not everyone has a mental illness, but everyone has mental health. It’s your responsibility to take care of your mental health. – Andrea Nguyen
Finding a way to express and release built up emotions or just thoughts is a breath of fresh air. Focus on yourself and your mental health. Breathe easy hunny.
I can wholeheartedly relate. As women we are always told to be strong , and our culture did not make it easy on us. We were never allowed or taught on how to share our feelings and it’s something I am now learning to do as I get older.
This is EVERYTHING. After going through a life changing experience (being a mom) I realize how serious it is to take care of my mental health. Growing up, it was something I thought was not that serious or not a ‘black’ people trait. Super naive. I would love for you to keep sharing your experiences with a therapist/ counselor. I think spreading it brings awareness and not only that, someone could definitely take steps towards the right direction when their mental health is in jeopardy. I’m taking those steps soon!